
My Feng Shui 
Real Estate Feng Shui 
Individuals & Professionals

Harmonize Balance Revitalize Space 
Home, office, business, hotel, museum, wellness center, senior residence & nursing home.

Feng Shui, “wind” and “water” in Chinese.

It is the traditional art and science of creating a supportive living environment:

the quality of energy and the way it circulates allows you to feel in harmony, balanced and in full possession of your abilities to achieve.

Mélanie Bouchetard
Traditional Feng Shui Consultation 
Based in Paris 

Spaces where to live and work for the best

 Serving your balance and your success 
since the creation of My Feng Shui in 2007
with more than 150 clients in France and around the world, I support you to unlock and harmonize the energies of your professional and residential spaces, and transform your results, your life experience

Appartement en roof top, Paris

" Ma paix intérieure, ma paix extérieure, mon bonheur, c'est grâce à toi. Et ça doit être pareil pour beaucoup de gens. "

Claire B.

Maison Epigenetic, Centre Body-Mind, Paris

" J'ai entièrement confiance en toi. Ton avis compte beaucoup. Maintenant je veux que tu sois sur tous nos projets. "

Valérie L.

Maison, San Franciso

" If there is someone I want to thank for who I'm today is no other than you. Thank you for always being there to listen, I'm blessed beyond, knowing a person like you. Your words touch everyones heart. "

Rebecca G.

Home Office, Barcelone

" You changed my hard days of work into motivation and pure joy. Even in the bad days, I can feel the fuel provided by the space. "

Alex P.

Appartement, Paris

" J'ai totalement confiance en toi. Tes conseils me donnent de l'audace et de la certitude. Merci Mélanie "

Marie B.

Appartement, Paris

"Vous faites votre métier très bien. Bravo. Avec chaleur et savoir. Vous avez une force quand vous parlez, tout devient clair et simple."

Geneviève V.

Appartement refait à neuf

" Nous parlons souvent de toi : Que nous a dit Mélanie. Que recommande Mélanie. Que ferait Mélanie ? "

Nicolas O.

All Feng Shui consultations

are also done by video and in English, for customers around the world

Hong Kong, New-York, San Francisco, Dubai, Genève, Barcelona



By using my method, individuals experience:

  • well-being through harmonious layout
  • their progress in life by the choice of personalized orientations for beds and desks
  • an environment where everyone can evolve

in the best conditions.


By carrying out their realestate projects with My Feng Shui

or by ordering an expertise in their existing buildings,

professionals provide:

  • to their customers, a Feelgood welcome and well-being experience
  • for their teams, a renewal of their working conditions generating more motivation and productivity.

Ba Zi Results

My clients reveal themselves in their Chinese Astrological chart with their 4 signs of the zodiac and their 5 elements,

whose power allows access to true self-knowledge:

Water dragon, Fire tiger, Metal snake, Wooden rooster...

    They learn, thanks to the richness and wisdom of these symbols of ancient traditions,

to manage their character differently, as well as their emotional system and their potential.

    They consciously improve the quality of their

life and that of their loved ones, instantly.

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